Top 10k strings from Prince, The (1984)(CCS).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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  33 0000000000000000000000000
   4 f(t)=f(t)+1
   3 ((r(t)-x1*10000
   2 x$="save":
   2 x$=" "+x$:
   2 waterflamimagicpinchcrown
   2 the kitchen a cool placedrawing rooma long hall covered way paved squaresouth tower the library tower roof  the old well
   2 repfinrobstekilhit
   2 r(t)=r(t)-1000
   2 r(t)=r(t)-
   2 protshriloantria
   2 prince    
   2 f(t)=f(t)-1
   2 crystal    sword      ring       book       quill      bird       shovel     screwdriverladder     crowbar    locket     parchment  carpet     cake       gloves     bag        bottle     compass    lodestone  rod        chisel     belt       twine      icon       hat        spy-glass  mirror     tongs      old key    new key    iron key   hammer     file       flute      shears     rope       timepiece  comb       scroll     purse      goblet     paper      J
   2 crystal    Z
   2 Scroll in tower roof  
   2 Press any key to continueF
   2 Information InstructionsHench buyingSpy buying  
   2 Helmut  Raven   Scyther FletcherLash    Orlando Orsini  Midge   Pascal  Sourgut Merry   Bradshaw
   2 Grasper Ambrose Porcus  Fernando
   2 Goods belong to 
   2 00000000000000000000000000000000
   1 ~bhxhb~~"(8( x
   1 |..~02|D.2
   1 z$=w$(s3+1
   1 x$=j$+o$(t(4
   1 x$="show ring"
   1 var       B
   1 up=up+(x$="s")-(x$="n")
   1 u=u+((x$="6")
   1 title     
   1 s         
   1 r1=ac+up*5
   1 r(t)=r(t)-n:
   1 r(t)=r(t)-100
   1 r(t)=r(t)+n:
   1 r(t)=r(t)+1000
   1 r(n)=10000
   1 r(b)=r(b)-1000
   1 q$=o$(s4+1
   1 p2        
   1 l1=l1+(l1<5
   1 l$="Scroll in "+g$(h+1
   1 helmravescytfletlashorlaorsimidgpascsourmerrbradgrasambrporcfernbankpringoregampfell
   1 grandfather
   1 discoloured
   1 delapidated
   1 dbbf 2dDbp
   1 dUFF<ZFPU<<K
   1 d(n)=55377
   1 copy      
   1 cloistered
   1 callmovetakedroplookopenclosentejumpuse hit burydig hidereadwritpushpullkillfeeleat drincut climgivewaitaudiliftwearshowreplremounfaundotap shouswapexamxxxxyyy
   1 c(t)=c(t)+y*j:
   1 ac=ac+(x$="e")-(x$="w")
   1 aDrrfaa0l|T
   1 a=a+((x$="8")
   1 To be master alone,      seek out a blue stone    Take to your Lord        The Lore Master's sword  You seek a small thing:  The keeper Gore's ring   Success if he finds      The old Book of Signs    He rules over men        who gives raven's pen    The creature you lack    is winged and black      From H, to O - think!    Its clearly a drink      Something which flies    fiery circles in skies   Back from Dancig amigo:  Abracadabra, Hey Presto  Soft and small measure-  Squeeze is no pleasure   Enthroned, you sit -     On your own head be it!  >
   1 This is Helmut -hecosts 30 crowns tocall and is good  at kidnap. He is  90 pc reliable ...Raven specialises in assault and hasa reliance score  of 75: it costs 30crowns to call himThis is Scyther   He is a good thief- reliability 80 -and you can call  him for 35 crowns This is Fletcher  He is good at pro-tection and steal-ing. Reliance is  85: Call for 40 crLash is good with a whip and is 70pcreliable: call himfor 30 crowns                       This is Orlando - a fearsome fighterwith a reliabilityof 85: It costs 50crowns to call himOrsini is a court-ier: He can offer information on thecourt for 30      crowns per call   This is Midge - a guard who knows   about security in the Castle:- use  him for 35 crowns Pascal is a heraldwho moves freely  about the castle  He will work for  you for 30 crowns Sourgut is a chef with many useful  contacts - he willpass information  on for 40 crowns  This is Merry the Jester - he often hears gossip at   court - 25 crowns for information   Bradshaw is from  the library an
   1 Press 1, 2 or 3 to choose
   1 Its a deal! Now what --- Not yours to sell, friendYou're carrying too much!I've no such goods on me   Off he goes!           Looking around, you see:-You hop - very clever!   The parchment is blank   Just one line, it says:- OK- but only one line -- That doesn't work -      What's next ----         You'll need a quill firstand parchment to write onYou need parchment first What's next ---          So now what -            What's your move now -   You cant call from here! Who is on trial, TipstaffWhat is he charged with -Who brings the charge -  What proves his guilt -  Wait while we consider - We find him guilty!      We find him not guilty!  Our decision is this:-   Any mercy plea ---       Sorry, it wont open -    Try saying which one --- Who are you giving to ---Impertinence! 1000cr fineWhat is it that you give Good! And now the word!  Everyone to the screen!! You are incommunicado!   The Lore master is found!With a creak, it opens!  A rope ladder descending Sorry, I can't help you -Let Gore see his ring!
   1 FX6F8 <l0?<
   1 D||D~,l>0af
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 ?F>><??0<X
   1 >dbbp>>pfD
   1 ;q1;" below for ";p$(b1):
   1 ;p$(n);" is also here!":
   1 ;"the screen":
   1 ;"present location:":
   1 ;"passcode for ";p$(t):
   1 ;"keys for";
   1 ;"is only for ";p$(t);
   1 ;"Your turn is over"
   1 ;"Your spy is";
   1 ;"Your Hench is";
   1 ;"You take your ";o$(v1):
   1 ;"You drop your ";o$(v1):
   1 ;"Who works for ";p$(l):
   1 ;"When ready, enter the";
   1 ;"Well done!!";
   1 ;"Welcome to The Prince";
   1 ;"Use 'move' / direction":
   1 ;"Turn ends":
   1 ;"The winner and new ";
   1 ;"The scroll reads:";
   1 ;"The following information";
   1 ;"That's who ---":
   1 ;"THE WORD:-":
   1 ;"THE THING:-":
   1 ;"Suit Yourself!":
   1 ;"Start own tape":
   1 ;"Sorry, goods not found -":
   1 ;"Someone's ";o$(n-55500
   1 ;"Present location:-":
   1 ;"Our mr ";h$(h((5
   1 ;"OK: heres your ";o$(
   1 ;"OK: Who's the owner -":
   1 ;"No-one else should be at";
   1 ;"No word from ";h$(v1):
   1 ;"Master is ";p$(t);
   1 ;"MMM - Tasty!":
   1 ;"Items held:":
   1 ;"I've nobbled ";h$(
   1 ;"Gore's";
   1 ;"Goods not found ---":
   1 ;"Dungeon!";
   1 ;"Cursor";
   1 ;"Current situation:":
   1 ;"Couldn't do the job!":
   1 ;"Any key restarts ---":
   1 ;": ";o$(ta);": ";
   1 ;"1000 cr fine for ";p$(b):
   1 ;"10 moves"
   1 ;".     .     .";
   1 ;" That's it ";p$(t):
   1 ;" Game restart --         ":
   1 +ta);" cr":
   1 +2222222222222222222222222222222222222d22d
   1 +(y$="sel")+21
   1 *(y$="lea")
   1 *(y$="buy")+31
   1 ))-((x$="7")
   1 ))-((x$="5")
   1 (r(t)/10000
   1 (r(t)-x1*10000
   1 #(FPKPFU<A<F<F
   1 "token bearer"
   1    Meet Gamp -he willbuy and sell any- thing, no questionasked: enter 'callgamp' to use him                                      I refuse to talk  to you - go away!!                                    What is your      command O noble   one---                                                                     You called---                                                                          OK, I'm here---                                                         Say what you want with me---                                                              What do you want  with me---                                            The fighter       Orlando is at yourservice  -  give  your command                        I am the courtier Orsini - what do  you want with me                                                        The guard midge isat your service   honourable sir                                        You called for a  Herald, Sir - Whatis your wish                        Sourgut here                 
   1     this turn  
   1     of a prison
   1     inputs on  
   1     cell. You  
   1     can try 3  
   1     a dank hole
   1     You are in 
   1       SOLD 